Consistency in Marketing

Why it’s important for your company.

“We are booked solid, we don’t need to market.”  Sound familiar? Then something shifts and you quickly realize that you should have been doing more all along. I’m guilty as hell for doing the same, but I’m a one-person show with only so much bandwidth, and customer care comes first. All excuses aside, anyone owning or running a business, from a freelancer to the CEO of a multi-facility group, should be actively marketing, even when you think you have plenty of work. It only takes a slide of the DOW or some other global bad news to change things in a blink.

Consistency is known as the key to changing everything. Getting that canter half-pass nailed or your fitness to the next level. 1% better every day, baby. If you are lucky, 2% on some days.

Let’s check out those things that should always be on your marketing short list.

SEO – This is a huge one. Most people now just Google what they are looking for and call it a day. If you aren’t on page one, you are invisible to 75% of the world. SEO is one of those things that never goes away and is always changing. Your competitors know this and are working to knock you off the front page.

Social Media channels where your audience likes to go – Know what those are and stay visible there. You only need one or two, not all of them. Social is time-consuming and can burn you out (can I get an amen?), so create a schedule you can keep up with.

Newsletters to your direct customer base are gold. You have their attention already and may be kicking around something you should be involved with. Don’t get crazy; every couple of months is fine. It’s also good practice to keep your mailing lists current. Depending on your type of business, a good old-fashioned printed newsletter can be a good solution.

New businesses just getting started, don’t underestimate the power of a video or a few videos. Make sure the sound quality is good with a pair of headphones or earbuds, and get a phone tripod. 

Ask around for referrals. Are you good at what you do? Do people like working with you? Do you offer a unique product or service? This week, I’ve gained three referrals from past projects or existing clients alone. Don’t underestimate this one!

For B2B companies, all of this is key as you don’t want people standing around machines that aren’t running. Stay ahead of your pipeline cycles with consistent marketing practices. If you don’t have the internal resources or knowledge to tackle an appropriate strategy or even put something on LinkedIn, there are plenty of external sources you can tap for help.

Start someplace, but get started. And keep that 1% goal in mind. Creating that consistency in marketing is a long game and you won’t get results overnight, which is why I’m recommending you get moving. Now would be good.

Amanda MacDonald

Amanda MacDonald

Founder of Full Gallop Communications

Amanda is a marketing veteran that works with businesses on improving brand communication, marketing strategy, and creating content marketing. When not in the office, Amanda can be found at the barn with her horse, walking her two dogs on Lake Ontario or baking something carbtastic in the oven.

Contact her at to inquire about how your marketing efforts can become more successful.

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