New Work Highlights

This year has just been galloping on, hasn’t it? Some wonderful projects and clients have been added to our list. Take a peek at what we have accomplished so far…

J. Morgan Levy Firm

This attorney practice is all about advocating for their clients. We have created new messaging, dialed in their audiences and created a 12-month marketing plan that will be put into action this fall. Not only does this talented group offer some of the best civil law support for Title IV/V harassment, and supports small businesses with up-to-date NYS labor law HR handbooks and contract reviews at a reasonable fee.

Sugar Hill Farm

Besty Kubiak was working on a fresh beginning in 2022 to refocus on breeding Arabians, Half Arabians and Saddlebreds for the show ring. With a long list of prior winners in English classes, the long-time owner gained a new brand video highlighting her farm’s story and new direction. The project spanned almost a year to gain a variety of mares, new foal and on-farm flavor with video and stills.

Art directed by Full Gallop and shot by Grant Taylor Photography.

Excelsior Equine Veterinary

Dr. Alyson Waring-Scott opened her North Syracuse practice to provide Central New York with premier acupuncture, massage and chiropractic support for performance horses. With a series of beautiful still shots and a new website, she is ready to build her new client base.

Still photography by Maria Spinelli Art

Excelsior Equine

Interested in talking about your next brand photography session, video or high-level strategy build?

Contact us by email to set up a time to chat with Amanda.

Amanda MacDonald

Amanda MacDonald

Founder of Full Gallop Communications

Amanda is a marketing veteran that works with businesses on improving brand communication, marketing strategy, and creating content marketing. When not in the office, Amanda can be found at the barn with her horse, walking her two dogs on Lake Ontario or baking something carbtastic in the oven.

Contact her at to inquire about how your marketing efforts can become more successful.

Let’s Supercharge Your Growth

When you partner with Full Gallop Communications, you gain more than just a marketing strategist—you gain a trusted ally dedicated to your success. We’ll find a way forward, creating a strategy that delivers clarity, impact, and measurable results.

Ready to take the reins?

Schedule a Consultation and discover how I can help you achieve your marketing goals.